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APT International verfügt über 30.000 m² Lager in Belgien und 3.000 Maschinen sofort verfügbar.
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Schrottpaketierpressen Lefort C 265T

Technische Informationen

  • TypHydraulic
  • Kapazität3600 mm x 2400 mm x 1800 mm
  • MobielNo

Zusätzliche Informationen

  • Machine is in very good shape and has the following caracteristics:
    > Cutting force: 1820 Ton
    > Max opening of the Shear: H900mm x W820mm
    > Cutting Clamp: This piece holds the material into place while the shear cuts -> Pressure =80T
    > Power of each flap: 140Ton (2 cylinder x 70 T ) 
    > Pusher ram force: 70 T 
    > Precompression box: L3600 mm x W2400 mm x H1800 mm - with funnel of 6000 x 6000 mm

    Power of the engine of the hydraulic system: 90 kW
    The machine cuts wood and steel! Heavy duty! 
    Pressing and cutting 
    Multifunctional shear with very big prepress chamber.

  • Typ/Modell: C 265T
  • Stocknummer: M.23 5173
  • Hauptkategorie: [M] Pressen mit Hydraulischem Antrieb
  • Unterkategorie: [M.23] Schrottpaketierpressen
  • Markenname: Lefort

Stocknummer: M.23 5173

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