Cortadoras láser LVD Phoenix 6020 - 10 kW fibrelaser
Información téchnico
- Workpiece dimensions (max)6160 x 2035 mm
- Type of LaserLVD
- Power10 kW
- Type of command CNCTouch-L
- Longitudinal travel X-axis6280 mm
- Cross travel Y-axis2070 mm
- Hight travel Z-axis130 mm
- Travel speed140 m/min
- Max cuttingthickness in steel25 mm
- Max cuttingthickness in Inox30 mm
- Motor Power75 kW
- Length L -- R17 200 mm
- Deph Fw -- Bw6300 mm
- Hight3360 mm
- Weight21,5 ton
- Shuttle tableyes
Información adicional
Numéro stock: O.12 14032
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