Rectificadoras planas con husillo horizontal Elb Super-Rubin X:750 - Y:400 - Z: 400 mm CNC
Información téchnico
- Worklength with magnetic table600 mm
- Grindingwidth300 mm
- Longitudinal travel X-axis (autom.)675 mm
- Cross-travel Y-axis (autom.)300 mm
- Travel Z-axis (autom.)375 mm
- Dimensions of the table600 x 300 mm
- Distance between table -- spindlecentremax 525 mm
- Max dia grindingstonemax Ø 300 x 50 mm
- SpindlespeedsMax 3000 rpm
- Motorpower8.4 kW
- Tension needed380 V
- Length L -- R2300 mm
- Depth Fw -- Bw1800 mm
- Height2400 mm
- Weight3500 kg
Información adicional