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Lignes de deroulage + / ou profilages Hennecke Comec sandwich panel line CNC

Informations complémentaires

  • Decoiling and rollforming line for manufacturing roof sandwich panels
    Max width of finished panel: 1000 mm
    CNC Siemens Simatic HMI touch control

    1 - two decoilers of 12 ton
    2 - upper rollforming line with 11 stations
    3 - lower Comec rollforming line with 19 stations + adding protective transparant foil
    4 - heating station for prepping PIR/PUR layer
    5 - adding basecoat before PIR/PUR layer
    6 - spraying PIR/PUR layer + adding sidewall
    7 - upper and lower panel are joined in curing stage of PIR/PUR
    8 - cured panel is cut to desired length with flying circular saw
    9 - turning of panels 180°
    10 - stacking and packing stage

    This line is currently still under power and in production!


  • Type/Modèle: sandwich panel line CNC
  • Numéro de Stock: O.27 13082
  • Catégorie principal: [O] Presses Plieuses, Machines à Plier, Machines à Dresser, Machines à Cintrer, Machines a Oxycouper, Machines Laser, Poinconneuses et lignes aprofiler
  • Subcatégorie: [O.27] Lignes de deroulage + / ou profilages
  • Marque: Hennecke Comec

Numéro de Stock: O.27 13082

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