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Lignes de deroulage + / ou profilages Stam Siempelkamp sandwich panel line CNC

Informations complémentaires

  • Decoiling and rollforming line for manufacturing roof sandwich panels
    Max width of finished panel: 1000 mm

    PRODUCTION SPEED 7,30 meter per minute

    UP Floor
    1 - Stam decoiler of 12 ton
    2 - Memco embosser
    3 - In-line profiling machine 
    4 - Sheet preheating

    DOWN Floor
    1 - Stam decoiler of 12 ton
    2 - Roll forming machine
    3 - Sawing machine
    4 - Pick and place for the insertion of sheets in the Stam production line, max panel length 18 meter
    5 - Automatic machine for the overlapping of sheets
    6 - Glue device
    7 - Sheet preheating room
    8 - PIR foaming gantry
    9 - PIR dosing bench
    10 - Siempelkamp 25 meter belt press
    11 - Panels Cutting Machine (Flying Saw)
    12 - Stacking unit for max panellength 16 meter
    13 - Horizontal packing unit

    Total length of the line from decoiler to stacking is 90 meters. The packing unit is located next to the stacking unit, panels are moved from the stacking unit with side conveyors.


  • Type/Modèle: sandwich panel line CNC
  • Numéro de Stock: O.27 13083
  • Catégorie principal: [O] Presses Plieuses, Machines à Plier, Machines à Dresser, Machines à Cintrer, Machines a Oxycouper, Machines Laser, Poinconneuses et lignes aprofiler
  • Subcatégorie: [O.27] Lignes de deroulage + / ou profilages
  • Marque: Stam Siempelkamp

Numéro de Stock: O.27 13083

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