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Presses a col de cygne Dimeco decoil./ straight/ feeder LVD punchpress

Informations complémentaires

  • This line was used to prepare/press the inner linings of fluorescent lighting fixtures.

    1 - Dimeco decoiler 2370 DV (driven)
    - max width: 550 mm
    - with controlbox

    2 - Dimeco 1675/D straightener with CNC feed system (cybelec)
    - width: 500 mm
    - max thickness: 1,6 mm

    3 - LVD PP 70 ton x 2500 mm
    - tablewidth: 350 mm (upper and lower)
    - stroke: 120 mm
    - max open: 400 mm
    - between columns: 2040 mm

  • Type/Modèle: LVD punchpress
  • Numéro de Stock: M.01 7273
  • Catégorie principal: [M] Presses hydrauliques
  • Subcatégorie: [M.01] Presses a col de cygne
  • Marque: Dimeco decoil./ straight/ feeder

Numéro de Stock: M.01 7273

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