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Impianto per rivestimento in polvere Estee powdercoating line

Informazioni supplementari

  • Automatic Powder Coating Line
    No foundation required, everything mounted on top of floor = easy to dismantle
    Equipement still on location.
    Check out the video.

    Max workpiece dimensions:
    Length: 6200 mm
    Width: 850 mm
    Height: 2750 mm

    The line consists out of:
    Preparation zone:
    Heated and insulated degreasing installation
    - 7 reservoirs
    - reservoir dimensions: 4800 x 700 x 3000 mm

    Powder coating process zone:
    Chain Power & Free conveyor line (Van Herwijnen B.V.)
    - Max 1500 kg per two hooks
    Hydraulic tilting table
    Estee powder coating booth (6200 mm) 
    - 2 Gema ITW robot, each unit feature 2 nozzles
    Curing oven gas powered
    Recuperation and cyclon filter system

  • Tipo/Modello: powdercoating line
  • Numero di magazzino: Y.06 15574
  • Categoria: [Y] Macchine per trattamenti superficiali, impianto e apparecchiature di finitura, granigliatrici, sabbiatrici
  • Sottocategoria: [Y.06] Impianto per rivestimento in polvere
  • Il marchio: Estee

Numero di magazzino: Y.06 15574


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