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ZM 2050 x 4 mm decoiling & cut to length & slitting

Informazioni supplementari

  • Line consists out of:

    1 - Double head decoiler:
    - cap: 25 ton
    - max length of coil: 2 meter
    - max diameter of coil: 3 meter

    2 - Pre-leveller/straightening + edge slitting unit - has been sold
    - 2 slitting heads are movable to slit the edges of the sheet
    - variable from 400 to 2000 mm wide

    3 - Ungerer leveller/straightening unit
    - 6 + 7 rolls
    - for fine levelling/straightening
    - max thickness: 4 mm
    - max width: 2050 mm

    4 - Schröder shear - has been sold
    - max cap: 2050 mm
    - max thickness: 4 mm

    5 - feed-out table + sheet storage

  • Tipo/Modello: 2050 x 4 mm decoiling & cut to length & slitting
  • Numero di magazzino: P.14 14007
  • Categoria: [P] Cesoie, punzonatrici universali, linee di taglio trasversale e longitudinale, Lockformer e segatrici a nastro
  • Sottocategoria: [P.14] Linea di taglio longitudinale
  • Il marchio: ZM

Numero di magazzino: P.14 14007

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