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Presse con telaio a H Bakker 500 ton Dish end forming press

Informazione tecniche

  • Capacity500 ton
  • Max ram adjustment600 mm
  • Drawningspeed850 mm/min
  • Workingspeed850 mm/min
  • Returningspeed5500 mm/min
  • Passage between uprights3000+4000 mm
  • Electric motor (power)80 hp
  • Length8400 mm
  • Depth1500 mm
  • Height5200+2000 mm

Informazioni supplementari

  • Type: HSPP 50

    This portalpress is suitable for the deformation/deforming of steel plates. For the width and thickness of the plates the general rule applies: 10 ton per mm platethickness.

    2000 mm in ground
    closing speed + pressing speed: 850 mm/min
    return speed: 5500 mm/min
    also fitted with a jib crane and two tables are included
    max open: 2700 mm (without table)

    Can be transported in two pieces

    bending - straightening - flanging - folding - plate roll press - plate roller press - Plattenroll Presse - strechting - bending - joggling - flanging - Kesselboden - Fond elliptique / Fonds elliptiques / Dish-end forming press / Tankbödenherstellung / Kümpelpressen / Bördelmaschinen / Bodenrand-Sickenmaschinen
    Модель станка: HSPP 50

    Фундамент: 2000 мм
    Скорость подхода + скорость гибки: 850 мм/мин
    Скорость подъема: 5500 мм/мин
    Пресс оборудован консольным краном и двумя столами
    Макс расстояние между фундаментом и ползуном: 2700 мм

    Пресс может быть транспортирован в 2х частях.

  • Tipo/Modello: 500 ton Dish end forming press
  • Numero di magazzino: M.04 8677
  • Categoria: [M] Presse idrauliche
  • Sottocategoria: [M.04] Presse con telaio a H
  • Il marchio: Bakker

Numero di magazzino: M.04 8677

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