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APT International dispone di 30.000 m² di magazzino in Belgio e 3.000 macchine disponibili immediatamente.
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Presse per idroformatura a caldo e freddo Laufer MSA RKO 500 ton press for composite mat.

Informazioni supplementari

  • Formerly used to manufacture flowerpots using composite materials.
    > step 1: wood granules are heated in dia under high pressure
    > step 2: flowerpots are pressed during heating cycle, cooled down afterwards and automatically unloaded

    Can be used for composite materials / plastics with heating & cooling.

    Consisting of flow hopper
    3 supply lines on Awema 3-fold weighing system
    retracting force max 450 kN
    stroke: 400 mm
    max open: 1000 mm
    max pressure: 290 bar
    counterpressure of 45 ton
    329 A - 216 kVa
    weight: 20 500kg

    newprice was 1 100 000,00 €

  • Tipo/Modello: MSA RKO 500 ton press for composite mat.
  • Numero di magazzino: M.19 7237
  • Categoria: [M] Presse idrauliche
  • Sottocategoria: [M.19] Presse per idroformatura a caldo e freddo
  • Il marchio: Laufer

Numero di magazzino: M.19 7237

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