Hammerle / GF part straightener 750 x 12 mm
Informazioni supplementari
- (Brand is originally Georg Fischer, which was taken over by Hämmerle AG)
Swiss-built compact machine which uses an automatic levelling pressure system to straighten and stress-relieve parts.
Applications: fineblanked parts - clutch plates - brake discs - saw
blades - aircraft components - laser & plasma cut parts -
flattening parts prior to robot welding/grinding.
- prevents deflection with 19 driven rolls
- 11 counter-rolls in lower position
- 10 counter-rolls in upper position
- top and bottom rolls feature hydraulic motor drives
- overload valves prevent machine damage due to overload or wrong setting
- quick setup time, requires input of 3 parameters (entrance gap - exit gap - feed speed)
- speed of machine: 2-20 m/min
max width: 750 mm
max thickness: 12 mm
min part length: 100 mm
power: 31kW
total weight: 10 ton
- Tipo/Modello: part straightener 750 x 12 mm
- Numero di magazzino: O.09 15074
- Categoria: [O] Presse piegatrici, curvatrici, raddrizzatrici, punzonatrici, impianti taglio laser e impianti ossitaglio e linee di profilatura
- Sottocategoria: [O.09] Spianatrici per materiali in bobina
- Il marchio: Hammerle / GF
Numero di magazzino: O.09 15074