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Lasrobots Cloos Romat 360 32TM high dimension auto welding

Extra info

  • 6 axis robot + 5 external axis
    Siemens OP27 control
    Welding source: GLS 503 Quinto 30,5 kVa
    Robot mounted on column.
    - Column has an X-travel of 4000 mm
    - The robot is turnable and has a diareach of 2000 mm.
    - The robot also mobile and has a travel of 2000 mm.
    - Y-travel of the robot is 2000 mm.

    Total height: 5000 mm

    Can be sold apart:
    Welding manipulator 7,5 ton
    - type WPEK-DK-KP-75.000N-AC

  • Type/Model: high dimension auto welding
  • Stocknummer: V.03 8993
  • Kies een Categorie: [V] Lasrolstellingen, Manipulatoren, Robots, Laskranen & lasbanken
  • Subcategorie: [V.03] Lasrobots
  • Merk: Cloos Romat 360 32TM

StockNr: V.03 8993

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