Maszyny do cięcia gazowego (gaz + plazma) MicroStep CNC Plasma 12 000 x 3500 mm plate/tube/dome 3D
Dodatkowe informacje
Plasmacutting machine for plates / tubes / domes!
Type: MG 12001.35PPr + CH1200PP
One 3D rotator cutting head (-45° / +45°) powered by Kjellberg Fine Focus 800
> max cutting thickness: 80 mm (dependant of material)
One straight cutting head powered by Hypertherm HPR130
> max cutting thickness: 35 mm (dependant of material)
Tube cutting:
- One unit for cutting tubes dia 25 > 100 mm
> max length: 12 meter
> turning speed: 1 > 180°/sec
- One unit for cutting tubes dia 100 > 650 mm
> max length: 12 meter
> turning speed: 1 > 60°/sec
Cutting table:
- surface area: 12 000 x 3500 mm
- valves integrated into the sides for extraction of fumes
- valves controlled by MSNC 500 control
- also possible to process dome/dish end bottoms
> max height of dome/dish end bottoms: 720 mm
> max width of dome/dish end bottoms: 3000 mm
MSNC-500 cnc control:
- windows 2000 platform with network capabilities
Asperwin CAM-program:
- design software developped by MicroStep
- can load DXF-files, DSTV files, ESSI programs
- library with programmable 2D figures
- Options:
> module multiple tool
> module automatic nesting
> modue tube cutting "pipe select"
> module bevelcutting with rotator
> module for cutting dome/dish end bottoms
> module cutouts in tube unfolds
Donaldson Torit Downflo Plus filter + soundproof chamber
- 11 000m3/h
- Typ/Model: 12 000 x 3500 mm plate/tube/dome 3D
- Stocknumber: O.16 12714
- Kategoria główna: [O] Giętarki, Prostownice, Wycinarki, Maszyny do cięcia laserowego, Maszyny do cięcia gazowego i Linie walcujące
- Sub kategorii: [O.16] Maszyny do cięcia gazowego (gaz + plazma)
- Marka: MicroStep CNC Plasma