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Obrotnice, Obrotniki spawalnicze, Weldingdericks i pinchtables Esab welding crane for composite beams

Dodatkowe informacje

  • for manufacturing composite beams, (trailer)chassis, overhead travelling cranes, metal constructions...

    > 2 welding heads each equipped with an Esab LCA 800 amp source:
    - max distance between movable heads: 3000 mm
    - heads can be controlled independantly
    - application is arc welding

    - 2 feed units Esab A6, currently equipped with 4 mm welding wire
    - single weld through piece is possible
    > welding length is unlimited, crane is currently equipped with 45meter cable

    > crane can be turned manually by 180° (= can weld on two sides)

    FR: soudage de poutres reconstituées

  • Typ/Model: for composite beams
  • Stocknumber: V.02 8503
  • Kategoria główna: [V] Obrotnice, Manipulatory, Roboty
  • Sub kategorii: [V.02] Obrotnice, Obrotniki spawalnicze, Weldingdericks i pinchtables
  • Marka: Esab welding crane

Stocknumber: V.02 8503

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