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Piły tarczowe i ścierne do cięcia na zimno Vertical up stroke saw for tubes


  • Dia saw / abrasive - disk 350 mm
  • Length L -- R1200 mm
  • Depth Fw -- Bw520 mm
  • Height890 mm
  • Weight80 kg

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Tube saw for cutting large diameter pipes (light steel, pvc, plastic...), predominantly used for sawing air ducts
    - workpiece is placed on the rollers
    - saw is activated and rises up into the workpiece
    - then the operator can manually turn the workpiece to complete the cut

    Cheap and small machine for cutting on occasion.

  • Typ/Model: for tubes
  • Stocknumber: L.02 2232
  • Kategoria główna: [L] Piły, Pilnikarki i Obcinarki
  • Sub kategorii: [L.02] Piły tarczowe i ścierne do cięcia na zimno
  • Marka: Vertical up stroke saw

Stocknumber: L.02 2232

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