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APT International dysponuje 30 000 m² powierzchni w Belgii i 3000 maszynami dostępnymi natychmiast.
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Mazak MT-V 515 X: 1050 - Y: 510 - Z: 560 mm CNC


  • Table longitudinal travel (X-axis)1050 mm
  • Cross travel head (Y-axis)510 mm
  • Height travel head (Z-axis)560 mm
  • Table dimensions1300 x 550 mm
  • Max weight on the table1500 kg
  • Admission in spindle (ISO)ISO 50
  • Power on the spindle11/15 kW
  • Control (type)Mazatrol
  • Number of axes3
  • Toolchangeryes
  • Number of toolholders30 positions
  • Number of rotations (from X to Y rpm)25 > 6000 rpm
  • Weight8,7 ton

Dodatkowe informacje

Stocknumber: D.01 14115

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