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Пресса горячей и холодной штамповки Manni / Cannon polyurethane press for sandwich panels

Дополнительная информация

  • Panels for thermal insulation of industrial buildings
    Panels for sectional doors (current configuration)
    Panels for residential roof insulation

    Manni trolley press 2+2

    Hydraulic closed mould (2+2) trolley press is the optimal solution in terms of productivity and factory layout. Independent motorized tables allow to prepare one sandwich panel while another is curing in the press, reducing dramatically the production dead times.
    - 4 tables
    - table size: 9500 x 1600 mm
    - max opening: 150 mm
    - each cycle produces 4 sandwich panels

    Manni manipulator for automatic loading & unloading + stacking finished panels
    Max workpiece weight: 700 kg

    Polyurethane dosing unit Cannon A-Compact  HF
    Injection is done on both sides of the Manni press
    Designed for the processing of polyol blends with solid fillers (RRIM)
    Jacketed and insulated tanks with level control and automatic refilling with special stirrer for solid fillers
    Recycle stream distributors
    Digital low/high pressure gauges
    Hybrid metering system: piston pump for isocyanate, hydraulic cylinder specifically designed by Cannon for filled polyol
    Automatic output and ratio adjustment and control in close loop
    Touch screen operator panel
    Calibration of each component directly through the mixing head
    400V – 50Hz – 118 amp – 66 kW

    Required space: 25 meter x 16 meter x 4,16 meter

    CBM rollforming line for making sandwhich panels for sectional doors >> click here
    Manni / Cannon PU press >> click here
    Rollforming line for making different profiles for installation sectional doors >> click here
    Bonnamy tubebender >> click here

  • Тип модели: polyurethane press for sandwich panels
  • Номер каталога: M.19 14279
  • Главная категория : [M] Гидравлические прессы
  • Подкатегория: [M.19] Пресса горячей и холодной штамповки
  • Производитель: Manni / Cannon

Номер каталога: M.19 14279

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APT International

  • De Tonne 73, Industriezone 5
  • 9800 Deinze, Бельгия

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+32 492 277 280

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