Vertikale bewerkingscentra CNC Unisign UV4 CNC X:1600 - Y:400 - Z:400mm
Teknik Bilgiler
- Table longitudinal travel (X-axis)1600 mm
- Cross travel head (Y-axis)400 mm
- Height travel head (Z-axis)400 mm
- Table dimensions2pcs@700 x 400 mm
- Max weight on the table600 kg
- Admission in spindle (ISO)ISO 40
- Power on the spindle14 kW
- Drilling-capacityØ 35 mm
- Tapping-capacityM 24
- Control (type)CNC Sinumerik
- ToolchangerSK 40
- Number of toolholders44 Positions
- Number of rotations (from X to Y rpm)max 9 000 rpm
- Power principal motor 40 kVA
- Length L -- R3700 mm
- Depth Fw -- Bw2800 mm
- Height3200 mm
- Weight8500 kg
Ek bilgi
- Vertical CNC machiningcentre with a movable column (X).
Due to the big workarea the machine is ideal for long pieces or pendel work
- Tip/Model: UV4 CNC X:1600 - Y:400 - Z:400mm
- Stok numarası: D.01 3244
- Kategori: [D] Uygulama merkezi
- Alt kategori: [D.01] Vertikale bewerkingscentra CNC
- Marka: Unisign