Schweissroboter Cloos Romat 310 welding unit for big pieces
Zusätzliche Informationen
Welding robot for big pieces
The welding manipulators holding the workpiece can tilt up and down (max 45°) in order for the robot to be able to weld straight on the workpiece. This ensures the best possible weld.
Cloos Romat 310 - 11 axes
Rotrol 32 TM
X-travel of robot: 11 000 mm
Depth of throat: 2000 mm
Max distance under robot: 3000 mm
Max distance between manipulators: 10 000 mm
Centerdistance of manipulators: 1750 mm
each manipulator has a movement of 4000 mm
Max height of workpiece: 3500 mm
Max weight of workpiece: 25 ton
2 Cloos GLC 5033 Quinto welding scources linked in series to attain 1000 amp
dimensions: 16 000 x 8000 x 7000 mm (foundation is needed)
- Typ/Modell: welding unit for big pieces
- Stocknummer: V.03 8385
- Hauptkategorie: [V] Schweissrolstellungen, Manipulatoren, Robotik, Schweisskranen & Schweissbanken
- Unterkategorie: [V.03] Schweissroboter
- Markenname: Cloos Romat 310
Stocknummer: V.03 8385
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